Styling with Benefits!!!

I can’t believe how fast this year has flown… I promise the older I get the faster time seems to pass and I realize the importance of stopping to “smell the roses”. We are half way through November and the weather here in Arkansas is finally feeling like Fall. Speaking of Fall… this is also the … Continue Reading

7 Tips to Prep Your Hair for Fall!!!

Say Goodbye to Summer and Hello to Fall!!! Who’s looking forward to cooler days and chilly nights… Not me! (lol) As the temperature cools, you may begin to notice a change in the way your hair looks and feels. The air is drier and less humid, so your hair care routine will need a few … Continue Reading

I Am Not My Hair, I Am the Woman Within!!!

On the Eve (October 21st) of the Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure in Little Rock, Arkansas, I held an event honoring two beautiful and brave Cancer Survivors. Both Erica (left) and Karen (right) were diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. They both endured the harsh treatments of chemotherapy and radiation, but through it … Continue Reading

Natural Hair 101: The Baggy Method

In the natural hair community, the number #1 issue we face is dry hair, especially dry ends. Our curly texture(s) prevent sebum from reaching the entire length of the hair shaft which results in dryness. Without intervention, dry brittle ends will lead to split ends, breakage and thinning. If your goal is to grow long hair or to maintain length retention, the Baggy Method may be … Continue Reading

My Top 5 Favorite Hair Staples!!!!

I hope you all are having an awesome Sunday!!! This past month has been a challenge for me… I mentioned on Facebook a couple of weeks back that my work schedule has changed, I switched from working at the end of the week to the beginning of the week. I didn’t think the transition would be so drastic, … Continue Reading

AND… That’s a Wrap!!!

Alright ladies… Have you ever had one of those days when you just didn’t feel like washing your hair on wash day… Or you’re running late because you’ve overslept and your hair looks as though it hasn’t seen a comb (or product) in a few days… Yes, it happens to me too!!! There are days when I … Continue Reading

Say it ain’t so… Random Facts About ME!

Hey y’all!!! How about we switch things up a bit… I wanted to get out of the natural hair realm for a little bit and get personal with you. Although my hair is one of the ways I like to express myself and my creativity, it is a small portion of who I am.  So, … Continue Reading

Snap… Crackle… POP!!!

These are the sounds you might hear when you’re combing through Single Strand Knots (aka Fairy knots). These annoying tiny knots are probably the most dreadful adversary of natural hair. Single Strand Knots can be found virtually at any point along the hair shaft, but they are most commonly found closer to the ends (the oldest portion of your … Continue Reading

Natural Hair 101: LOC Method

What is the LOC Method? And why should you incorporate it into your hair regimen? The LOC Method stands for Liquid (or Leave-in conditioner), Oil, and Cream (or moisturizing hair butter). It is a method used to maximize moisture retention as well as a guide to assist in which order to apply your product. Trial and … Continue Reading

Natural Hair 101: The Pre-Poo Method!

Who enjoys detangling on wash day??? I know I don’t, especially when I am not motivated to wash my hair. Guess what??? I have a simple solution for you… Pre-Poo!!! It’s exactly what it sounds like, you prep your hair prior to shampooing. How it works: Choose one (or two) of your favorite: an oil, conditioner or … Continue Reading